Using Containers

Instead of installing directly on your local system, you can host the development environment inside a container. Espressif provides the idf-rust image that supports both RISC-V and Xtensa target architectures and enables both std and no_std development.

You can find numerous tags for linux/arm64, and linux/amd64 platforms.

For each Rust release, we generate the tag with the following naming convention:

  • <chip>_<rust-toolchain-version>
    • For example, esp32_1.64.0.0 contains the ecosystem for developing std, and no_std applications for ESP32 with the Xtensa Rust toolchain.

There are special cases:

  • <chip> can be all which indicates compatibility with all Espressif targets
  • <rust-toolchain-version> can be latest which indicates the latest release of the Xtensa Rust toolchain

Depending on your operating system, you can choose any container runtime, such as Docker, Podman, or Lima.