pub struct wifi_osi_funcs_t {
Show 117 fields pub _version: i32, pub _env_is_chip: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn() -> bool>, pub _set_intr: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: i32, _: u32, _: u32, _: i32)>, pub _clear_intr: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: u32, _: u32)>, pub _set_isr: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: i32, _: *mut c_void, _: *mut c_void)>, pub _ints_on: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: u32)>, pub _ints_off: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: u32)>, pub _is_from_isr: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn() -> bool>, pub _spin_lock_create: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn() -> *mut c_void>, pub _spin_lock_delete: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *mut c_void)>, pub _wifi_int_disable: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *mut c_void) -> u32>, pub _wifi_int_restore: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: u32)>, pub _task_yield_from_isr: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn()>, pub _semphr_create: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: u32, _: u32) -> *mut c_void>, pub _semphr_delete: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *mut c_void)>, pub _semphr_take: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: u32) -> i32>, pub _semphr_give: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *mut c_void) -> i32>, pub _wifi_thread_semphr_get: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn() -> *mut c_void>, pub _mutex_create: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn() -> *mut c_void>, pub _recursive_mutex_create: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn() -> *mut c_void>, pub _mutex_delete: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *mut c_void)>, pub _mutex_lock: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *mut c_void) -> i32>, pub _mutex_unlock: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *mut c_void) -> i32>, pub _queue_create: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: u32, _: u32) -> *mut c_void>, pub _queue_delete: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *mut c_void)>, pub _queue_send: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: *mut c_void, _: u32) -> i32>, pub _queue_send_from_isr: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: *mut c_void, _: *mut c_void) -> i32>, pub _queue_send_to_back: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: *mut c_void, _: u32) -> i32>, pub _queue_send_to_front: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: *mut c_void, _: u32) -> i32>, pub _queue_recv: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: *mut c_void, _: u32) -> i32>, pub _queue_msg_waiting: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *mut c_void) -> u32>, pub _event_group_create: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn() -> *mut c_void>, pub _event_group_delete: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *mut c_void)>, pub _event_group_set_bits: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: u32) -> u32>, pub _event_group_clear_bits: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: u32) -> u32>, pub _event_group_wait_bits: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: u32, _: i32, _: i32, _: u32) -> u32>, pub _task_create_pinned_to_core: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: *const i8, _: u32, _: *mut c_void, _: u32, _: *mut c_void, _: u32) -> i32>, pub _task_create: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: *const i8, _: u32, _: *mut c_void, _: u32, _: *mut c_void) -> i32>, pub _task_delete: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *mut c_void)>, pub _task_delay: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: u32)>, pub _task_ms_to_tick: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: u32) -> i32>, pub _task_get_current_task: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn() -> *mut c_void>, pub _task_get_max_priority: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn() -> i32>, pub _malloc: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: usize) -> *mut c_void>, pub _free: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *mut c_void)>, pub _event_post: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *const i8, _: i32, _: *mut c_void, _: usize, _: u32) -> i32>, pub _get_free_heap_size: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn() -> u32>, pub _rand: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn() -> u32>, pub _dport_access_stall_other_cpu_start_wrap: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn()>, pub _dport_access_stall_other_cpu_end_wrap: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn()>, pub _wifi_apb80m_request: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn()>, pub _wifi_apb80m_release: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn()>, pub _phy_disable: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn()>, pub _phy_enable: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn()>, pub _phy_update_country_info: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *const i8) -> i32>, pub _read_mac: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *mut u8, _: u32) -> i32>, pub _timer_arm: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: u32, _: bool)>, pub _timer_disarm: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *mut c_void)>, pub _timer_done: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *mut c_void)>, pub _timer_setfn: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: *mut c_void, _: *mut c_void)>, pub _timer_arm_us: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: u32, _: bool)>, pub _wifi_reset_mac: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn()>, pub _wifi_clock_enable: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn()>, pub _wifi_clock_disable: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn()>, pub _wifi_rtc_enable_iso: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn()>, pub _wifi_rtc_disable_iso: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn()>, pub _esp_timer_get_time: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn() -> i64>, pub _nvs_set_i8: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: u32, _: *const i8, _: i8) -> i32>, pub _nvs_get_i8: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: u32, _: *const i8, _: *mut i8) -> i32>, pub _nvs_set_u8: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: u32, _: *const i8, _: u8) -> i32>, pub _nvs_get_u8: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: u32, _: *const i8, _: *mut u8) -> i32>, pub _nvs_set_u16: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: u32, _: *const i8, _: u16) -> i32>, pub _nvs_get_u16: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: u32, _: *const i8, _: *mut u16) -> i32>, pub _nvs_open: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *const i8, _: u32, _: *mut u32) -> i32>, pub _nvs_close: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: u32)>, pub _nvs_commit: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: u32) -> i32>, pub _nvs_set_blob: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: u32, _: *const i8, _: *const c_void, _: usize) -> i32>, pub _nvs_get_blob: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: u32, _: *const i8, _: *mut c_void, _: *mut usize) -> i32>, pub _nvs_erase_key: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: u32, _: *const i8) -> i32>, pub _get_random: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *mut u8, _: usize) -> i32>, pub _get_time: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *mut c_void) -> i32>, pub _random: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn() -> u32>, pub _slowclk_cal_get: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn() -> u32>, pub _log_write: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: u32, _: *const i8, _: *const i8, ...)>, pub _log_writev: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: u32, _: *const i8, _: *const i8, _: *mut c_void)>, pub _log_timestamp: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn() -> u32>, pub _malloc_internal: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: usize) -> *mut c_void>, pub _realloc_internal: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: usize) -> *mut c_void>, pub _calloc_internal: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: usize, _: usize) -> *mut c_void>, pub _zalloc_internal: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: usize) -> *mut c_void>, pub _wifi_malloc: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: usize) -> *mut c_void>, pub _wifi_realloc: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: usize) -> *mut c_void>, pub _wifi_calloc: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: usize, _: usize) -> *mut c_void>, pub _wifi_zalloc: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: usize) -> *mut c_void>, pub _wifi_create_queue: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: i32, _: i32) -> *mut c_void>, pub _wifi_delete_queue: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *mut c_void)>, pub _coex_init: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn() -> i32>, pub _coex_deinit: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn()>, pub _coex_enable: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn() -> i32>, pub _coex_disable: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn()>, pub _coex_status_get: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn() -> u32>, pub _coex_condition_set: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: u32, _: bool)>, pub _coex_wifi_request: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: u32, _: u32, _: u32) -> i32>, pub _coex_wifi_release: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: u32) -> i32>, pub _coex_wifi_channel_set: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: u8, _: u8) -> i32>, pub _coex_event_duration_get: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: u32, _: *mut u32) -> i32>, pub _coex_pti_get: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: u32, _: *mut u8) -> i32>, pub _coex_schm_status_bit_clear: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: u32, _: u32)>, pub _coex_schm_status_bit_set: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: u32, _: u32)>, pub _coex_schm_interval_set: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: u32) -> i32>, pub _coex_schm_interval_get: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn() -> u32>, pub _coex_schm_curr_period_get: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn() -> u8>, pub _coex_schm_curr_phase_get: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn() -> *mut c_void>, pub _coex_schm_process_restart: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn() -> i32>, pub _coex_schm_register_cb: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: i32, _: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: i32) -> i32>) -> i32>, pub _coex_register_start_cb: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn() -> i32>) -> i32>, pub _magic: i32,


§_version: i32§_env_is_chip: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn() -> bool>§_set_intr: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: i32, _: u32, _: u32, _: i32)>§_clear_intr: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: u32, _: u32)>§_set_isr: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: i32, _: *mut c_void, _: *mut c_void)>§_ints_on: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: u32)>§_ints_off: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: u32)>§_is_from_isr: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn() -> bool>§_spin_lock_create: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn() -> *mut c_void>§_spin_lock_delete: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *mut c_void)>§_wifi_int_disable: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *mut c_void) -> u32>§_wifi_int_restore: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: u32)>§_task_yield_from_isr: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn()>§_semphr_create: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: u32, _: u32) -> *mut c_void>§_semphr_delete: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *mut c_void)>§_semphr_take: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: u32) -> i32>§_semphr_give: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *mut c_void) -> i32>§_wifi_thread_semphr_get: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn() -> *mut c_void>§_mutex_create: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn() -> *mut c_void>§_recursive_mutex_create: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn() -> *mut c_void>§_mutex_delete: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *mut c_void)>§_mutex_lock: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *mut c_void) -> i32>§_mutex_unlock: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *mut c_void) -> i32>§_queue_create: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: u32, _: u32) -> *mut c_void>§_queue_delete: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *mut c_void)>§_queue_send: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: *mut c_void, _: u32) -> i32>§_queue_send_from_isr: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: *mut c_void, _: *mut c_void) -> i32>§_queue_send_to_back: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: *mut c_void, _: u32) -> i32>§_queue_send_to_front: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: *mut c_void, _: u32) -> i32>§_queue_recv: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: *mut c_void, _: u32) -> i32>§_queue_msg_waiting: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *mut c_void) -> u32>§_event_group_create: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn() -> *mut c_void>§_event_group_delete: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *mut c_void)>§_event_group_set_bits: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: u32) -> u32>§_event_group_clear_bits: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: u32) -> u32>§_event_group_wait_bits: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: u32, _: i32, _: i32, _: u32) -> u32>§_task_create_pinned_to_core: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: *const i8, _: u32, _: *mut c_void, _: u32, _: *mut c_void, _: u32) -> i32>§_task_create: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: *const i8, _: u32, _: *mut c_void, _: u32, _: *mut c_void) -> i32>§_task_delete: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *mut c_void)>§_task_delay: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: u32)>§_task_ms_to_tick: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: u32) -> i32>§_task_get_current_task: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn() -> *mut c_void>§_task_get_max_priority: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn() -> i32>§_malloc: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: usize) -> *mut c_void>§_free: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *mut c_void)>§_event_post: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *const i8, _: i32, _: *mut c_void, _: usize, _: u32) -> i32>§_get_free_heap_size: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn() -> u32>§_rand: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn() -> u32>§_dport_access_stall_other_cpu_start_wrap: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn()>§_dport_access_stall_other_cpu_end_wrap: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn()>§_wifi_apb80m_request: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn()>§_wifi_apb80m_release: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn()>§_phy_disable: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn()>§_phy_enable: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn()>§_phy_update_country_info: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *const i8) -> i32>§_read_mac: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *mut u8, _: u32) -> i32>§_timer_arm: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: u32, _: bool)>§_timer_disarm: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *mut c_void)>§_timer_done: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *mut c_void)>§_timer_setfn: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: *mut c_void, _: *mut c_void)>§_timer_arm_us: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: u32, _: bool)>§_wifi_reset_mac: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn()>§_wifi_clock_enable: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn()>§_wifi_clock_disable: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn()>§_wifi_rtc_enable_iso: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn()>§_wifi_rtc_disable_iso: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn()>§_esp_timer_get_time: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn() -> i64>§_nvs_set_i8: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: u32, _: *const i8, _: i8) -> i32>§_nvs_get_i8: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: u32, _: *const i8, _: *mut i8) -> i32>§_nvs_set_u8: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: u32, _: *const i8, _: u8) -> i32>§_nvs_get_u8: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: u32, _: *const i8, _: *mut u8) -> i32>§_nvs_set_u16: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: u32, _: *const i8, _: u16) -> i32>§_nvs_get_u16: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: u32, _: *const i8, _: *mut u16) -> i32>§_nvs_open: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *const i8, _: u32, _: *mut u32) -> i32>§_nvs_close: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: u32)>§_nvs_commit: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: u32) -> i32>§_nvs_set_blob: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: u32, _: *const i8, _: *const c_void, _: usize) -> i32>§_nvs_get_blob: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: u32, _: *const i8, _: *mut c_void, _: *mut usize) -> i32>§_nvs_erase_key: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: u32, _: *const i8) -> i32>§_get_random: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *mut u8, _: usize) -> i32>§_get_time: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *mut c_void) -> i32>§_random: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn() -> u32>§_slowclk_cal_get: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn() -> u32>§_log_write: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: u32, _: *const i8, _: *const i8, ...)>§_log_writev: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: u32, _: *const i8, _: *const i8, _: *mut c_void)>§_log_timestamp: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn() -> u32>§_malloc_internal: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: usize) -> *mut c_void>§_realloc_internal: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: usize) -> *mut c_void>§_calloc_internal: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: usize, _: usize) -> *mut c_void>§_zalloc_internal: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: usize) -> *mut c_void>§_wifi_malloc: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: usize) -> *mut c_void>§_wifi_realloc: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: usize) -> *mut c_void>§_wifi_calloc: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: usize, _: usize) -> *mut c_void>§_wifi_zalloc: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: usize) -> *mut c_void>§_wifi_create_queue: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: i32, _: i32) -> *mut c_void>§_wifi_delete_queue: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *mut c_void)>§_coex_init: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn() -> i32>§_coex_deinit: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn()>§_coex_enable: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn() -> i32>§_coex_disable: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn()>§_coex_status_get: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn() -> u32>§_coex_condition_set: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: u32, _: bool)>§_coex_wifi_request: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: u32, _: u32, _: u32) -> i32>§_coex_wifi_release: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: u32) -> i32>§_coex_wifi_channel_set: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: u8, _: u8) -> i32>§_coex_event_duration_get: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: u32, _: *mut u32) -> i32>§_coex_pti_get: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: u32, _: *mut u8) -> i32>§_coex_schm_status_bit_clear: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: u32, _: u32)>§_coex_schm_status_bit_set: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: u32, _: u32)>§_coex_schm_interval_set: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: u32) -> i32>§_coex_schm_interval_get: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn() -> u32>§_coex_schm_curr_period_get: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn() -> u8>§_coex_schm_curr_phase_get: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn() -> *mut c_void>§_coex_schm_process_restart: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn() -> i32>§_coex_schm_register_cb: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: i32, _: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: i32) -> i32>) -> i32>§_coex_register_start_cb: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn() -> i32>) -> i32>§_magic: i32

Trait Implementations§


impl Clone for wifi_osi_funcs_t


fn clone(&self) -> wifi_osi_funcs_t

Returns a copy of the value. Read more

fn clone_from(&mut self, source: &Self)

Performs copy-assignment from source. Read more

impl Debug for wifi_osi_funcs_t


fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result<(), Error>

Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more

impl Default for wifi_osi_funcs_t


fn default() -> wifi_osi_funcs_t

Returns the “default value” for a type. Read more

impl Copy for wifi_osi_funcs_t

Auto Trait Implementations§


impl RefUnwindSafe for wifi_osi_funcs_t


impl Send for wifi_osi_funcs_t


impl Sync for wifi_osi_funcs_t


impl Unpin for wifi_osi_funcs_t


impl UnwindSafe for wifi_osi_funcs_t

Blanket Implementations§


impl<T> Any for T
where T: 'static + ?Sized,


fn type_id(&self) -> TypeId

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow(&self) -> &T

Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T

Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> From<T> for T


fn from(t: T) -> T

Returns the argument unchanged.


impl<T, U> Into<U> for T
where U: From<T>,


fn into(self) -> U

Calls U::from(self).

That is, this conversion is whatever the implementation of [From]<T> for U chooses to do.


impl<T> ToOwned for T
where T: Clone,


type Owned = T

The resulting type after obtaining ownership.

fn to_owned(&self) -> T

Creates owned data from borrowed data, usually by cloning. Read more

fn clone_into(&self, target: &mut T)

Uses borrowed data to replace owned data, usually by cloning. Read more

impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T
where U: Into<T>,


type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_from(value: U) -> Result<T, <T as TryFrom<U>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T
where U: TryFrom<T>,


type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_into(self) -> Result<U, <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.