
espflash is a serial flasher utility, based on, for Espressif SoCs and modules.

The espflash repository contains two crates, cargo-espflash and espflash. For more information on these crates, see the respective sections below.

⚠️ Note: The espflash and cargo-espflash commands shown below, assume that version 2.0 or greater is used.


Provides a subcommand for cargo that handles cross-compilation and flashing.

To install cargo-espflash, ensure that you have the necessary dependencies installed, and then execute the following command:

cargo install cargo-espflash

This command must be run within a Cargo project, ie. a directory containing a Cargo.toml file. For example, to build an example named 'blinky', flash the resulting binary to a device, and then subsequently start a serial monitor:

cargo espflash flash --example=blinky --monitor

For more information, please see the cargo-espflash README.


Provides a standalone command-line application that flashes an ELF file to a device.

To install espflash, ensure that you have the necessary dependencies installed, and then execute the following command:

cargo install espflash

Assuming you have built an ELF binary by other means already, espflash can be used to download it to your device and monitor the serial port. For example, if you have built the getting-started/blinky example from ESP-IDF using, you might run something like:

espflash flash build/blinky --monitor

For more information, please see the espflash README.

espflash can be used as a Cargo runner by adding the following to your project's .cargo/config.toml file:

[target.'cfg(any(target_arch = "riscv32", target_arch = "xtensa"))']
runner = "espflash flash --monitor"

With this configuration, you can flash and monitor your application using cargo run.